Sunday, 6 April 2014

4) Who would be the audience for your media product?

The ideal reader
The ideal reader for my magazine would be people of both genders from the ages of 16-30 this is because I want to target my magazine at a niche audience and this is the age group that would listen to Bhangra music the most, the people with in this ages group who listen to this genre of music would be interested in some of the same things and would come from similar social groups.
The way in which the target market for my magazine would listen to the music would be on an ipod/Mp3 player, this is because cds are hard to get hold of with this type of music, they would have to buy the songs off Itunes because applications like spotify would not have many songs from this genre on it but they would have a few. Most of my audience would still be in education, being in school, college or university. Indians are usually stereotyped as being doctors, dentists, lawyers or teachers so they would be either in group A or B in the Jincar scale. They would shop in usual places like Tesco or Asda as my audience is young they would want to go somewhere where the food is cheap and they would go to the usual high street shops like new look, topshop to buy their clothes as they would want to save as much money as possible. My audience would either live at home with their parents, in a flat or have a small house; this is because again my target audience is a young age so they would not have that much money to buy a big house to live in. Asian people are seen as being quite religious, so they would value religion in their life, they would also value family status as in the asian culture this is important. When they spend their free time you would usually see them drinking, especially if they’re Indian, Bhangra music is made around drinking and most of the songs are about drinking so this is a big part of their culture.

What my ideal target audience would look like...

Some of the questions that I would ask my target audience
1)      Would you buy this magazine in the shop if you saw the front cover?
2)      Would you pay £1.99 for the magazine?
3)      What attracts you to the magazine?
4)      What is your favourite page?
5)      What improvements would you make?
6)      Any other comments?

Response to the questions by someone from my target audience.

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