For this question people preferred the contents page layout that had many different blocks with pictures placed inside of them. This would allow me to place more images on to the contents page.
The fact that most of the people said that they follow the fashion that music artists wear would mean that I can talk about the fashion that the music artists wear on my double page spread when I make it. when taking pictures I can focus on costume
The genders of the people that I asked were mostly equal, this is because my target audience for my magazine is both male and female, so when asking my questions to people I had to make sure that they were equally spread and that I was getting the correct information that I wanted.
The masthead name that was preferred was 'friction' this helped me to decide what the best name was, the one that was most effective and the one that people would like which would mean that the audience would be able to remember the name more easily.
My audience said that the most that they would pay for the magazine is £2, this means that on the cover the price would attract people to buy the magazine. Although if the magazine was actually to become a real magazine then the quality of the paper and celebrities that would be in it would be low.
Not many people would buy the music magazines regularly, this is because most of the audience that I asked do not buy music magazines and they said that the most that they would pay for a magazine in £2 so the magazines may be expensive for them to buy.
what people wanted to see in the magazines is equally distributed. People want to see many different things in the magazine. some people said other and when asked what else they said fashion articles and life stories of the celebrities/interviews so that they can see the inside life of the celebrity that they like.

The genre of music that my audience like the most is R&B, although a lot of my audience like to listen to more than one type of music genre, which gave me a large selection of people that would be in my music magazine. When asking other people said they like Bhangra and Dance (dubstep/garage).
Who are your three favourite music artists?
When I asked this question I got many different responses that I have narrowed down to the top ten, the top ten were
- Drake
- The Weeknd
- Jaz Dhami
- Rihanna
- Lomaticc
- Jazzy B
- J cole
- A$AP
From these results I can distinguish the type of people that my audience are interested in and who they like listening to. The results that I have got vary between different genres of music, showing that my audience do not only listen to one type of music but listen to a range of music that could be included into my music magazine.
What attracts you to the magazine?
People said that things like the people that are featured on the magazine attracts them to it because they would be interested. They also said that they are attracted by the colour of the magazine because it makes it stand out from the rest of the magazines that are displayed in the shop. People also said that the magazine looks more attractive when there is not too much font to read as people do not have time to read the magazine cover in the shop to see all the things that are in the magazine.
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